Clarendon Fine Art

Clarendon Fine Art

23 Butcher Row, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 1EP [ Map ]

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In 2005 Helen Swaby opened her first gallery in the UK, determined to tackle the elitism that dominates the world of art and to change the perception that contemporary art was for a chosen few. Since then, the world has seen unprecedented changes in business, technology and culture, but Helen’s mission has remained constant. She still believes passionately that art is for everyone and over the years has guided thousands of people to start or expand their art collections in ways many of them never dreamed of. With nearly 100 beautiful galleries across the UK, on board luxury cruise ships, and, since 2023, in the USA, she has firmly established a whole new way of engaging with modern and contemporary art. Her hand-picked team of over 450 amazing people is out there every day realising Helen’s vision, democratising art and encouraging people who have never walked through a gallery door to discover the joy of collecting.

We create a bespoke, inspirational journey through the art world and accompany our customers every step of the way. This does not happen overnight, but by forging strong relationships based on understanding each individual’s personality, lifestyle, passions and tastes, we are able to explore the art that will bring them joy and lead them to a lifetime of collecting.

“For me personally the most rewarding part of the job is transforming people’s lives by connecting them with the right piece of art. Whether or not the piece will make their home more impressive, elegant or fashionable, whether or not it is an investment - none of that matters when a client forms an emotional connection with a painting or sculpture, and that is a beautiful thing to see. Art you love will uplift your soul every time you look at it, so when someone gets emotional in the gallery, we know we’ve done what we set out to do!” (Helen Swaby, Founder and CEO)

Hours of Business

Monday to Sunday: 9:30am - 4:30pm

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